Copy File From Azure Fileshare into Azure Blob over Byte Data Using Python

Pada posting berjudul "Copy File From Azure Fileshare into Azure Blob over Byte Data" ini akan saya berikan sample cara melakukan copy file secara langsung dari Azure Filehare ke Azure Blob menggunakan script python.

Dibawah ini contoh script-nya :

from import BlockBlobService
from import FileService
from import ContentSettings

ACCOUNT_NAME = 'accname'
ACCOUNT_KEY = 'acckey'

BBS = BlockBlobService(account_name = ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key = ACCOUNT_KEY)
FS = FileService(account_name = ACCOUNT_NAME, account_key = ACCOUNT_KEY)

fileshare_name = 'fs'
folder =  'folder_1/sub_folder_2'
filename = 'file_sample_source.JPG'

content_data= FS.get_file_to_bytes(fileshare_name, folder, filename, start_range=None, end_range=None, progress_callback=None, max_connections=2, timeout=None)

container_name = 'cn'
filename = 'folder_1/sub_folder2/file_sampl_result.JPG'

BBS.create_blob_from_bytes(container_name, filename, content_data, content_settings=None, max_connections=2, timeout=None)

Semoga posting tentang "Copy File From Azure Fileshare into Azure Blob over Byte Data" diatas dapat bermanfaat.


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