CSS and Image Config Authorization IIS

Pada posting tentang CSS and Image Config Authorization IIS ini akan dijelaskan salah satu sebab kenapa CSS dan Image tidak authorized di IIS

Ada beberapa sebab kenapa css dan image di aplikasi web kita tidak muncul, yaitu :

  1. Static content feature not enable as describe above post.
  2. Authorization not allowed for anonym user in web config.

Langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi problem diatas :

  1. Open IIS and select site that is causing 401
  2. Select Authentication property in IIS Header
  3. Select Anonymous Authentication
  4. Right click on it, select Edit and choose Application pool identity
  5. Restart site and it should work
CSS and Image Config Authorization IIS
Not Authorized CSS and Image IIS 7
CSS and Image Config Authorization IIS
Not Authorized CSS and Image IIS 7

Recommended Reading:
CSS, Javascript Not Loading In IIS 7

Semoga posting tentang CSS and Image Config Authorization IIS diatas dapat bermanfaat.


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